logoGeoIT Developer

GeoIT Developer



Hello, my name on my birth certificate is Alfadila Anas. I frequently use Alf-Anas as a username, and people commonly refer to me as Alfa or Anas. I have adopted GeoIT Developer as my professional branding name.

GIS DeveloperAndroid DeveloperWeb DeveloperFull Stack Developer (Frontend Heavy)GIS SpecialistGeodetic EngineerSmart City EnthusiastAI Prompt Engineer

About Me

I have 5+ years experienced in Apps Development and GIS. I`ve been coding since 2014 and working professionally in the field since 2019.

I can develop an app for Android, Web, and/or Desktop. For Android app I usually develop using native kotlin, for Web using ReactJS, and for Desktop I prefer using ElectronJS. I can use Flutter Multiplatform and CapacitorJS for developing an iOS app. But because I don`t have a MAC and iOS phone, so I`m not developing an app for iOS and MAC.

My academic background is a Geodetic Engineer (it`s a study of earth measurement and mapping, we usually work with civil engineer to measure and mapping the land) and I took focus on GIS (Geographic Information System) and Processing the spatial data. Since I have skill in programming and developing an app, so I usually/prefer to do a job to make a GIS Application. Because I graduated from this major with good grades, of course I have basic skill in the other subject of Geodetic Engineering, like using Theodolite, TS, GPS, Drone, etc.

Where do I learned to programmed? I already programmed since my Vocational High School, I learned to program by self learning from watching YouTube and reading. At first it was just a hobby, because I want to create my own game. But because the hype of being a programmer and startup in recent years, so I started to seriously learn programming by taking some courses. And in the end, I want to combine my GIS skill with my programming skill, so I called myself a GIS Developer.

Oh, I have a background in Mechatronics/Robotics too, that`s my major when I`m in Vocational High School, so I have some skill about electrical and mechanical, like building an Arduino Project or IOT.

I`ve interested in many things, like Engineering, Spatial, Social, Business, and Planning. Because of this, so maybe in the future I`d like to contribute more in Smart City program.



A map based social media apps to share and discuss everything around you~

Electoral Redistricting App

Boundary Delimitation Tool is a tool to draw electoral district boundaries and a...

Jaga Suara

Application for election vote analysis in Indonesia. By collecting data from the...

Batas Administrasi Indonesia

An app for downloading administrative boundaries in Indonesia from the province ...

Essai : Essay Auto Scoring by AI

An app developed using Google Generative AI (Gemini) to do an essay auto scoring...

Mini 4WD Lap Counter

An Internet of Things (IoT) application designed for counting laps and measuring...

UMKM AI Assistant

UMKM AI Assistant is an intelligent application designed to assist micro, small,...

AIPass : Password Generator by AI

AIPass is your one-stop shop for generating strong, secure passwords that are al...

Files and Folders to Excel

A script to list files and folders in spreadsheet format.

Makan Apa Ya?

An android app made using Jetpack Compose for #JuaraAndroid submission to give f...

Global Sea Level

A simple web GIS app to visualize sea level rising.

Bisanya Kapan?

A simple web app built in React JS and Firebase Realtime Database to create a vo...


A simple android app projects to earn money from android apps using ads or selli...

Image EXIF to CSV

A simple web app to convert or extract metadata from photo/image files and save ...

Projects (89+ projects done)

Tech Stack
No data

"A soap bubble that want to fly higher than anyone else~"

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